Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weight Loss Exercise: Top Exercises that will Help you Lose Weight

Weight Loss Exercise: Top Exercises that will Help you Lose Weight

In this modern world of fast food and junk foods, more and more people are suffering from obesity. Obesity may be caused by hereditary and genetic factors, but this may also be caused by the storage of too much fat. When a person eats something that will provide more than the sufficient amount of calories that the body needs, the excess calories will be stored in the body as fat.

When calories are stored as fat, weight gain occurs. Those who would like to prevent weight gain are provided with two useful methods to combat this and obesity. The first one is planning their meals with foods containing lower calories. The second method is through performing an effective weight loss exercise.

A weight loss exercise is a type of physical activity that will help burn more calories in a much faster manner. Those who are watching and controlling their weight should perform physical activities that will burn the most number of calories every session. This will help them get the most out of their workout regime.

Weight loss exercises not only help prevent weight gain that may result in more serious health problems such as obesity. Performing regular exercises will also provide numerous health benefits such as better sleep, better blood circulation, improved mood, as well as reduction of the stress levels.

Performing a certain weight loss exercise should be done at a minimum of at least 30 minutes per day in order to achieve weight loss. However, the weight loss method that a person will engage in will affect how much weight loss will be accomplished. There are several types of effective cardio exercises that a weight conscious individual can engage in.

One example of this is the rollerblading exercise. For individuals who have a total weight of 160 lb., they can shed at least 913 calories by just rollerblading. Tae kwon do is another effective exercise that can help burn at least 730 calories every hour. Sports such as singles tennis will also help burn 584 calories every hour.

Professional athletes have long been making use of interval training activities to burn more calories in a much faster way as well as to improve and increase their endurance for training. This type of weight loss exercise does not only help professional athletes improve their performance, it can also help individuals who would like to lose weight in a much more effective way.

Interval training exercises are performed by rotating lower intensity activities with shorter but higher intensity cardio activities. An example of this type of exercise is to walk for a few minutes at a slow pace then increase the pace for a short amount of time, then go back to a slower pace.

As an individual’s endurance increases, he or she can already choose an activity that has a higher potential for burning more calories.

However, it is important to start off with only minimal exercises first such as walking as this will help build stronger endurance. Starting off with higher intensity exercises may result in fatigue settling in faster. Once an individual’s endurance strengthens, he or she can then replace walking with other activities that have a higher potential for burning calories such as running or jogging. It is recommended that individuals aiming to lose weight should complete a minimum of 30 minutes of these types of exercises every day of the week.

Another type of effective weight loss exercise is circuit training. Circuit training is similar to interval training, where the use of rotation is essential. However, with circuit training, instead of performing cardio activities, this method makes use of a combination of a strength training activity and an intense cardio exercise.

One example of a circuit training activity is to alternate leg lunges with jumping rope exercises, after which, the person doing the activity should then alternate jumping rope with another type of strength training exercise. Individuals performing circuit training activities have a higher potential to burn more calories every session.

Weight training is also an effective weight loss exercise that most people and professional athletes use. Weight training exercises are designed to prevent fat from replacing the muscles. As a person ages, it is only natural that the muscles within the body will decrease.

When this happens and a person will not undergo strength training activities, his muscles will be replaced with fat, thus; will result in weight gain. Weight training will promote muscular fitness that will improve the body’s metabolism. Each session of this type of weight loss activity is recommended to be performed for at least 20 minutes. The areas that this activity will focus on include the abdomen, the legs, the hips and the back.



The Diet Solution Program Review

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AppId is over the quota
A Balanced and Informative Discussion of the Diet Solution Program

The Diet Solution Program is founded on the premise that an individual can best maintain a healthy weight by eating according to their specific metabolism. The concept is that some foods encourage your body to transform fat and use it up as energy, while others promote the storage of fat. If you consume more of the former foods and fewer of the latter, then you lose unwanted pounds and keep them off.

So, it’s goodbye to the dreaded and unrelenting process of counting calories every time you put something into your mouth. Instead, you just eat the foods that are right for you, and you can eat many of them in large amounts. That way, you remove the stress and monotony associated with diets that focus on cutting out carbohydrates or reducing the intake of fats.

While those diets promote weight loss through altering eating patterns for a limited time, the Diet Solution is about changing the way that someone eats over a prolonged period. It is about fixing damaging habits and ways of thinking. Thus, it claims to achieve permanent results.

When you embark upon the program, you complete a survey that informs you of your metabolic type. You are provided with a manual, which lists, precisely, the foods that you should and should not eat, recipes, plans for daily meals and advice on appropriate serving sizes.

Generally speaking, the focus is on healthy, unprocessed, unrefined foods. Dieters are encouraged to eat whole foods, which have been more or less left in their natural state, such as nuts, fruits and vegetables, grains, oils, fish, meat, poultry and organic eggs. If your body receives nutritious fuel, it is easier to beat cravings and to resist eating the unhealthy foods that contribute to weight gain. Even though your taste buds or an imbalanced internal system might crave sugar and fat, your body really wants vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates.

Loss of fat occurs at a reasonably gradual pace, with the program advising an average reduction of between one and two pounds per week. This kind of take-it-slow approach is considered to achieve longer-lasting results than sudden, dramatic crash diets, which tend to starve the body, causing you to binge afterwards. The Diet Solution Program does not involve gimmicks or the consumption of unnatural pills or meal substitutes such as shakes or bars. The argument is that a diet that depends on such items is more about a quick fix than a long-term resolution of weight issues.

While it does, of course, advocate exercise as part of any sensible approach to living, weight and health, the program does not include it directly. The calculations provided in the manual are based only on consumption of food in relation to metabolic type.

However, the creator of the Diet Solution, Isabel De Los Rios, is an expert when it comes to exercise. She actually owns the New Body – Center for Fitness and Nutrition in New Jersey. So, she doesn’t only write about weight loss, she actively helps people to achieve their goals.

Moreover, De Los Rios has “been through it” herself. As an overweight and under-confident teenager, she decided, at a young age, that she did not want her life to be dominated by carrying around excess weight. She started reading all about nutrition and exercise, which led her to Rutgers University, where she studied exercise physiology. Later on, she gained a Certificate as a Specialist in Strength and Conditioning and a second Certificate as a Holistic Nutrition Lifestyle Coach.

De Los Rios has now been promoting her program for more than ten years. Individuals who take on the program can also become members of her site, where they can access her blog. Having worked as a counselor and personal trainer, De Los Rios knows how to provide advice. Her blog features a wide range of additional information, including tips, videos, extra recipes and personal messages.

She also dedicates quite a lot of time to writing about exercise. Given that this does not comprise a significant section of the manual, its presence on the blog is extremely helpful to many dieters. Any exercise certainly speeds up the weight loss process and promotes discipline when it comes to healthy eating.

Moreover, the blog is one of the aspects of the program that prospective dieters find attractive because it presents the opportunity to be part of a community. Being able to communicate with others in a similar position can often provide encouragement and inspiration and the interaction enabled by the blog can help to counter loss of confidence, one of the most common and serious afflictions suffered by people with weight problems.

Many positive Diet Solution reviews have been published by satisfied customers. Some of them claim that, after spending years and years crash dieting and taking supplements and pills, the program finally helped them to resolve their weight loss problems. They argue that the focus on eating natural, wholesome foods and the concern with developing a healthy mental attitude and taking a sustained approach enabled their success.

Some of the Diet Solution program reviews say that, before attempting it, they were extremely tired of going to the gym and struggling with difficult and taxing exercise schedules. They state that one of the attractive aspects of the program is that, while exercise is promoted, it is not absolutely necessary to starting. This made them feel as though they had a higher chance of sticking with it.

Some people that have written the Diet Solution reviews acknowledge a few of its negative aspects. One of these is that prospective purchasers of the eBook should remember that, at the end of the day, the program will only work if they are able to exercise a significant amount of discipline and willpower. The program has been marketed very widely and in a highly charged fashion, which might give some consumers the impression that it is offering a quick answer, but this is not actually the case. Reading Diet Solution reviews can be helpful if you want to access first-hand experiences and opinions regarding the program.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

If the shoe fits...

If the shoe fits, wear it. My shoes came. And now fear has TOTALLY set in. The last few days have not been amazing on eating. Stuff has been crazy at work and I am letting my emotions get the best of me. 13 weeks...can this really happen? Can I really get up on stage and not make a fool of myself? I know I am going to win the ironman and emerald cup next year, but is it possible to cut all the body fat I need to by November 19 and not get discouraged by my placement? Or do I focus on slowing cutting for next season and just dominate all year long in 2012. Definitely a conversation I need to be having with not only myself, but my trainer, and possibly a nutritionist. LOTS to think about. But for now, you probably want to know if the shoes do I. Here it goes....

Didn't try them on until after I wrote this blog...and NO, THEY DON'T! AHHHHH. I have the widest feet in the world. I was counting on these shoes to give me some motivation! I seriously can barely fit 4 toes in them...hello evil step sister trying to fit into Cinderella's shoes. On that note, I am going to bed. Hopefully I wake up on a better side of the bed tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dreaming Big...

Last night I was working on my life vision and goal setting when I made some some big decisions and set some BHAGS (big hairy audacious goals). I figured since you are a part of my journey for my first figure competition that I should let you know what my BHAG is. So here it is my passion. I am drawn to figure competitors and aspire to be a professional competitor. So instead of just aspiring to be one, I AM GOING TO BE ONE. I am going to take home first place in the Emerald Cup and Ironman in 2012. Remember my name...Kelsey Venable, because you will also be seeing me in Oxygen Magazine within the next year as one of their transformations. Bring it on...HIIT, temptations, grumpy moods, and low carb days you ain't got nothing on me.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

97 step closer.

I am loving my workouts and diet. I have eaten 100% clean all week and feel amazing. The struggle is to believe in the process and focus on the now...if I focus on being my best in each moment I will see the results come show time. Jen's positivity is amazing and her workouts are killer. I did about 19 sets of stairs today with strength circuits in between. 19, no big deal....NOT. Huge deal. Especially when you are bunny hopping, speed skating, single stepping, and doing all sorts of crazy combinations up those stairs. After burning 600 and some calories I came home to make myself a delicious protein smoothie. Well deserved after that workout! I just finished prepping some food for the next few days, but hope to have time to cook more on Tuesday. It is amazing how much cooking I am doing lately...but boy do I love it! Have any good clean recipes for me to try? My challenge is to add more variety in my diet right now, so hook a sister up with all those secret family recipes of yours. Time to hit the showers and cozy up for the night.

Here is something to keep everyone motivated, including myself:

"Mental toughness can take you straight to the top and mental weakness straight to the bottom."
I am choosing to be tough....are you?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

100 days...closer than yesterday.

Nicole Wilkins posted this on her facebook earlier today and it truly resonated with me. In fact, it is the PERFECT message for me. Believe in the process and each day I will be a little bit closer.

Today is a rest day...hooray! :) I am sure I will need all the rest I can get to prepare for my 2nd one-on-one with Jen this week. Rest days can be tricky for me to keep a clean diet...but not today, I WILL eat clean all day. I am in this 100%.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

101 days out.

In it 100% now. Woke up and did my HIIT training on the stairmaster...KILLER. 533 calories burned in 30 minutes! Go me! I am surprised I even had the energy for my cardio this morning after my one-on-one with Jen yesterday. The muscle soreness hasn't hit me yet, but I am sure by this afternoon I will be feeling it.

My cooler really is my new best friend. I invested in another set of tupperware...officially the tupperware queen now. My coworkers tease me for bringing in my giant cooler filled with enough food for a small country, but the teasing just makes me feel proud. I truly look the part of a figure competitor walking around wearing my workout gear, carrying my gallon of water, and my cooler full of clean foods. I cannot wait to start seeing results, but I am going to work on being patient and believe in the process (as a few of you suggested in your comments to my last post.)

101 days out...I asked Jen last night if she truly thought I could make the change in 101 days. She said that it is possible as long as my body doesn't fight us. She suggested I start taking CLAs (Conjugathed Linoleic Acid Supplements) to enhance fat burning and increase lean muscle mass. She told me that I will not notice an immediate difference, but that hopefully it would help me in the long run.

So here is my focus...


100% effort in my workouts.

Take my supplements.

Oh, and the major one! BUY HEELS AND START POSING! Yikes. I bought the Tanji Johnson video the Art of you think I can learn it enough by myself or do you think I should consider a posing coach as well!? Also, are there specific requirements for heels? Where do I buy them?