Saturday, May 14, 2011

5 lbs down

Sorry for the delay in posting. Blogger was not allowing me to post for a few days and then yesterday I was simply lazy. :( But I'm back now.

I weighed in yesterday and told my trainer I was down 5 lbs. She told me to just keep doing what I am doing, which felt great. However, then I had one of the worst workout days of my life. It was beautiful out yesterday, so Bekah and I decided to go for a run. She is much faster than me and I struggle running outside because I do not want to slow anyone down. After I saw her get farther and farther ahead of me I got this mental block and just quit on myself. For some reason, my brain was saying "You may have lost 5 lbs, but that is not good enough. You need to be able to keep up and perform at the same level as everyone else." She ran to her house and I ran/walked. We grabbed her dog and then ran back to the gym where our cars were parked....well she ran, and I WALKED. By the time I reached the gym parking lot I was almost in tears. Breakdown time. Overtraining maybe? Lack of sleep? Change in the diet? Bekah is super supportive and helped me through my moment of weakness. After I went home and ate a little more I felt much better. I also ate lots more carbohydrates yesterday. Which maybe me super HAPPY at first, but now I am feeling a little sick....not sure if they are related. Let me tell you though, those rice cakes and apple hit the spot yesterday afternoon and somehow gave me a huge mood boost.

Last night after hot yoga, I came home and ate a Larabar and drank LOTS of fluids. I also ate TONS of popcorn. Although I feel it was not the best decision, it was also not the worst and I am not concerned about it. As long as it doesn't happen everyday I think I should be ok. Afterall, I did tell myself that I would allow Friday to be a little bit of a cheat.

I am headed to the gym in a bit to lift upper body and then spending the day relaxing with my Mom who is visiting. Hope you are all having a good start to your weekend. I will give you a little diet update tomorrow evening when I post again.

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