Monday, May 9, 2011

Hot Yoga

Just got back from hot yoga and I feel AMAZING! My goal is to do it everyday this week to give myself a little kick start :) I was planning on switching to just regular yoga after I finished up my remaining 8 hot yoga sessions, but my friend purchased a 2 month unlimited package for herself today and requested I continue going...guess I will have to sweat it out a few more months! :) In addition to hot yoga, I got my booty out of bed at 6am and was at the gym by 6:30 to do intervals and plyometric training. 10 minutes on the stairs, 10 minutes on the treadmill, plyometrics, and then finished up with 15 minutes on the bike. My trainer wants me to bump up the intervals...between 45 and 60 minutes! Shoot, I am EXHAUSTED after 10 minutes! I think I can do it if I break it up a little more. Perhaps 30-40 in the morning and another 20 at the end of my lifting sessions? What do you think? Will that give me the same results?

Ok, so I told you I would start tracking my food on here again. This time I am going to try and continue it for more than a day :) I am going to include my supplements too so you can see what I am taking and offer any advice as to timing and such! I know you fitness gals out there are much more experience than I am!

2 Catalyst (amino acids)

8:15 am
3 egg whites
2 egg yolks
2 multiminerals
Vit B
Vit D

11:00am (I was STARVING at this point)
5 oz cod
1/2 c brown rice

protein shake
1 c. almond milk
1 serving hemp protein
1 tbsp agave
fish oil (orange swirl flavor from Barlean's)

3:45pm (really hungry again and wanted to make sure I ate several hours before hot yoga)
2 chicken apple sausage (6oz total)
1 gluten free english muffin
romaine lettuce
2 multimineral supps
1 multivitamin

2 catalysts

protein shake
2 calorie flavored sparkling water
1 serving hemp protein
SF coconut flavoring
3 strawberries
1 Magnesium

How did I do? I need to ask my trainer about a few things...berries, cod, gluten free bread, peppers, and sf flavoring. These items are not exactly on my "ok to eat" list...but I figure the list is not all inclusive. There are lots of other veggies and fruits that will probably work for my carbohydrate options, I just do better with a YES and NO list. So I will ask her and report back! That is all for now, time to go relax and rest my body for tomorrow's interval, leg day, and hot yoga session!

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